Monday, January 30, 2012

Game Completion - 98.8%

The first version of our tutorial videos were finished, and we just integrated them into the game! We just need to design a menu to access the videos at any time. The designs are there and the back-end stuff exists. Only thing left is to polish some buttons and smack it on.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Game Completion - 98.2%

Fixed some menu transition problems during the later levels. Glad these things were all caught before the game was released!

Here are the first images released of actual gameplay!

gameplay image 1

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Polish polish polish! Also, I could go for some Polish Sausages!

As Sifu has just told me, the last cutscene has been finished. All that's left for media content is the tutorial videos plus a final ending-credits video for when (and if) you beat the game!

Otherwise, gameplay for the entire game is 100% complete, and we are playing and testing the game out nonstop. Also I have to add some more random gears and cogs. And there are still a few areas where the textures and graphics need to be added and/or redone - which shouldn't take too long.

Almost there!

image 1

image 2

Friday, January 27, 2012

Game Completion - 98%

I think we are about ONE WEEK away from app store submission... Then, we will make history.

If you are an acquaintance/friend of mine and you have not heard about Fuzzy Cubes, get ready to be blown away. This is going to be the next iPhone title that is going to make a ripple (to say the least) in the genre of mobile gaming.

After we submit the app for review, we will start producing video content within the next week or two. Once the app goes online (usually about 1 week after submission, if there are no problems), we will then launch the Fuzzy Cubes website along with all the media content that we have been accumulating.

Feel free to ask questions, and I will do my best to answer them. Because we are so close to the end, I will try to update every day on this blog until submission, and then more updates upon game release. Start whispering Fuzzy Cubes to all your friends. And when it comes out, they won't be able to help but get it!!